Connect & Create

An Intergenerational Activity Group connecting our community

This program is aimed at bringing together seniors and children to learn, teach, connect and create.

  • FREE Program held each Tuesday 10:30 – 12:00pm
  • Commences 29th April and concludes June 2nd 
  • Available for seniors aged 65+ (or 55+ for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) and children 3 – 5 years old
  • Sessions are held inside our centre with a light lunch and refreshments included
  • Weekly activities include Music Therapy, Mindfulness Painting, 3D Collage, Mosaic Making, Garden Art, Storybook Creations and more!
  • Transport available for Seniors (dependent on location)
  • Free Volunteers Working with Children’s Check required

Join our Intergenerational Program Today

The “Connect and Create” Intergenerational program provides Seniors the rewarding opportunity to share their insight and wisdom to the younger generation whilst building meaningful connections in a friendly and open group environment.

To join this wonderful program, simply fill out the sign up form below and one of our staff will be in contact with you soon or alternately call (or SMS) Brooke on 0400 397 817.

This program is proudly supported by Wentworth Healthcare and NADO Disability & Aged Care.

Sign Up Today!

Would you like to be a part of this wonderful program? Simply fill out this application form and one of our staff will get in contact with you shortly.

Intergenerational program form
I am a
Do you have any dietary requirements?
If you are a senior person, do you require transport? (note that transport can only be provided if you reside 10km from our centre)

Have a question?​

We're here to help, get in touch with us today.

Waiver and Release Form Share My Ability

Issued August 2021

Please read the following terms carefully. By participating in any class, activity or using any equipment provided by Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation (the Owner) you consent to, and agree to release the Owner from liability according to, these terms. Unless the Owner notifies you otherwise, this waiver and release will apply to all activities undertaken by you at Share My Ability (the premises).

You acknowledge that:

  • are over 18 years of age (if not, a parent/guardian must sign on your behalf)
  • understand that the using equipment provided by, and/or engaging in activities at, the premises is a form of physical activity and that there are inherent risks in undertaking any form of physical exercise
  • have disclosed, or will disclose to the Owner prior to commencing your session, any pre-existing conditions that may place you at a higher risk of injury or inhibit your ability to participate in certain activities or using certain equipment, this includes, but is not limited to:
    • injuries, pain or recent surgery
    • pregnancy or if you have recently given birth
    • respiratory or heart conditions or high blood pressure
    • physical condition or lack of mobility which may prevent safe use of the equipment
  • agree to notify the Owner and its Representatives (staff members) if you experience any pain throughout the session and will immediately stop participating in the session if requested by the Owner or its representatives
  • acknowledge that, based on information you provide, the Owner may decide not to allow you to participate in a session or activity, or use a certain piece of equipment, or may require you to provide a medical certificate affirming that you are able to participate in a session or activity or use a certain piece of equipment before allowing you to join, at the Owner’s sole discretion
  • acknowledge that recommendations or instruction provided by the Owner or Representatives may not be tailored for your particular skill or ability level and it is your responsibility to assess whether you are able or want to participate in all or part of a session or activity
  • acknowledge you are solely responsible for ensuring that your physical environment is suitable for your participation in any session or activity; and
  • agree that sessions may be recorded by the Owner for quality control or promotional purposes. If you do not consent to the Owner using video or still images taken during the session for promotional purposes, please notify the Owner in writing.


To the extent permitted at law, you release and hold the Owner (and where applicable its, directors, employees and representatives) harmless from any liability, cost, expense, damages or claims (including claims of negligence) arising from or which may be suffered or incurred in connection with your participation in any sessions or activities provided by the Owner.